Become a Learner

Becoming a Learner on the Lab Tots™ Learning System is as easy as π (pie)!

Follow these simple instructions to begin your Lab-Tot-Tastic Ed-Venture today.

Registration is Easy
Get started in just 30 seconds!


Follow the system prompts to register as a Learner. Enter your username, email address & select ‘Learner’ from the ‘User Type’ drop down list.

Create a password that’s strong & secure.

Please ensure you have read and understood the ‘Terms & Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ documents.

Once you agree & register, your ‘Learner Account’ has been set up! You’re good to go!

Login to Access
Online Courses, Content & Events

Login to the system with you username / email and password. This will take you to your ‘Learner Dashboard’. From here you can access all your online courses (free or purchased), live events bookings, manage your profile and much, much more!!

Complete your Learner Profile by providing the information requested. This will allow you to track all your courses, live events, quizzes, notifications & course certificates. Keep your profile up to date to ensure your details are correct.

Create Accounts for ALL your Children

Making sure YOU always remain in control. This feature allows you to provide your children access tothe system, but only view content that YOU have sanctioned for each child profile. Allowing you to assign different courses and events to each individual child allows you to meet their individual interests and educational needs.

To create a ‘Child Profile’, login to the system and go to your ‘Learner Dashboard’. From here you can add as many linked ‘Child’ accounts as you need! Whether you’re a parent of 1, or a teacher of 30, the Lab Tots™ Learning System’s got you covered!!

Get Started

Become a Lab Tots™ Learning System Learner and join our Fab-Lab-U-Lously Lab-Tot-Tastic Family of Learners

Enjoy the benefits of collaboration over competition!

Lab Tots™ Learning System brings independent educators together on one platform.

Want to enrich and grow your learning potential? Want to have meaningful screen time?

Want to compliment online learning and LIVE events?

Want ONE platform for the WHOLE family?

Want meaningful education not just ‘tick the box’ activities?

Want to find complementary course materials? Want safeguarding to be paramount?

Want support from a network of likeminded Educators?

Want cross functional, multidisciplinary resources?

Want education that’s based on ‘Stage’ NOT ‘Age’?

If the answer is ‘YES!’, what are you waiting for? Join us NOW!!