Lab Tots Learning System Ltd provides educational services and online intermediation services in the form of a comprehensive learning management system and online booking system for live (online & offline) events.
Lab Tots Learning System Ltd takes every effort to ensure that everyone accessing our services has a Lab-Tot-Tasticexperience. However, in the unlikely event that this is not the case, please contact us directly so we can discuss and investigate your complaint fully.
Please also refer to Lab Tots Learning System Ltd Terms & Conditions.
Internal complaint-handling system
1. As providers of online intermediation services we provide an internal system for handling the complaints of business users.
Our internal complaint-handling system can be easily accessible via www.labtots.comand is free of charge for business users.
We aim to ensure handling of any complaint received within a reasonable time frame.
2. (a) (b) (c)
(a) alleged non-compliance by that provider with any obligations set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services which affects the business user lodging the complaint (‘the complainant’);
(b) technological issues which relate directly to the provision of online intermediation services, and which affect the complainant;
(c) the measures taken byus , or our behaviour which relate directly to the provision of the online intermediation services, and which affect the complainant.
3. Procedure
As part of our internal complaint-handling system, we shall:
Please submit your complaint in writing (via email) to: info@labtots.comreferencing “complaint’ in the subject header.
Or via the ‘Contact Us’ page at selecting the reason “refund request / complaint”.
Alternatively, please call us directly on: (+44) 07720292350 / (+44) 0844 335 0058
Each complaint received will be assigned its own unique complaint reference, the first 4 digits will represent the year the complaint was raised, and the digits thereafter represent the complaint number. i.e.: the 1st complaint raised in 2021 would be given the reference 2021/01.
a. Upon receipt of your complaint we will consider the content of your complaint and request further information which you might provide us up to the time of our decision in respect of the complaint.
b. We will inform you of the outcome of your complaint following our investigation of it in accordance with the timeframes set out above.
5. Information about the Effectiveness of our Complaints Procedure
We shall make available to the public information on the functioning and effectiveness of our internal complaint-handling system.
We shall verify the information at least annually and where significant changes are needed, we shall update and publish that information as an appendix to this policy document.
That information shall include the total number of complaints lodged, the main types of complaints, the average time period needed to process the complaints and aggregated information regarding the outcome of the complaints.
Contact: Sophia Mitchell, Managing Director Lab Tots Learning System Ltd
Telephone:(+44) 07720292350
For more information / to answer any questions you can contact Lab Tots Learning System Ltd via:
Tel: (+44) 0844 335 0058